The CORE team focuses on opportunities to engage with youth over time, to authentically build trust and friendships. CORE partners with other youth-serving agencies to achieve meaningful connections.
Lakeview Partnership
- Lunch buddies kicked off in fall semester of 2022. CORE is invited to have lunch once a month with youth whom staff feel could most benefit from mentorship.
- Walking School Bus is a focused effort to bolster regular attendance. School staff and trusted adults, to include Officer Lu Senatus, walk a designated route to encourage youth to walk together and arrive at the school on time.
- Additional, special events at Lakeview are also attended by CORE and North District officers. Events include Field Day, Hmong American Celebration, Toys for Toys and Food Pantry hours.
Girls on the Run
CORE took part in the nationally recognized program "Girls on the Run" at Glenn Stephens Elementary.