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2025 Neighborhood Grants

A screenshot of the Allied Dunns Marsh Neighborhood Association Website. In the center a group of youth stand together in a park. Section blocks below in purple and pink provide information on upcoming events, notes, and how to get involved.
Allied Dunn’s Marsh Neighborhood Webpage 2024


Six people crowd together and smile at the camera in front of a planting bed. A person in the middle holds a sign that reads pollinator planting in progress.
Lake Edge Neighborhood Pollinator Planting 2024

Neighborhood Grants provide funds to build organizational capacity, beautify public places, and create community gathering places. These grants help improve quality of life in neighborhoods, and across the city.

Prepare Your Project

  1. Meet with your neighborhood to plan a project and share your idea with your alder. Visit the Common Council webpage to find your alder and their contact information.
  2. Read the Grant GuidelinesEnglish | Hmong | Chinese | Spanish
  3. View the Grant Workshop video and Grant Workshop presentation.
  4. Email Linda Horvath and Angela Puerta at to discuss your eligibility and project idea, or to ask questions.
  5. You can still apply if you were unable to talk with staff if your proposal is eligible. See the Grant Guidelines.


There are multiple ways to apply. All applications are due by February 18, 4:30 p.m.

  1. Online Application Form
  2. Fillable PDF Application in English | Hmong | Chinese | Spanish
  3. Video Applications:
    - Answer all application questions (see PDFs above)
    - Video must be no longer than 10 minutes
    - Post your video to YouTube and email the link to
  4. Print the .pdf from this webpage and handwrite or type the application and mail it or drop it off at Madison Municipal Building, Planning Division, 215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Ste. 017, Madison, WI 53701-2985
  5. Submit the answers to the questions in an email to
Last Updated: 03/24/2025