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Application Process

  1. Email with “I intend to apply for an annual grant on behalf [Your Name or Organization Name].”
  2. Review the application. You cannot save the form, so draft your responses separately using these sample applications:
  3. Draft your project statement. This can be either a 250–500-word response for EACH of the following sections OR one 10-minute video that answers all sections:
    1. Artistic & Educational Value
      1. How will your project contribute to the quality of arts in Madison? For Individual Fellowship applicants, how will it support your artistic development?
      2. How will the grant contribute to you or your organization’s artistic goals or expand your capacity(engage more people or expand your program options)?
      3. How is your project innovative?
    2. Access
      1. What element of your project is free to the public? For Individual Fellowship applicants this could be an exhibition, workshop, performance, school or library presentation, street performance, etc.
      2. Who is your target audience?
      3. How will you engage your target audience?
      4. What partnerships or collaborations are you building to ensure your project reaches your target audience?
      5. How will you stretch yourself to make your project accessible to more diverse audiences? For instance, will you provide transportation?
    3. Feasibility
      1. Who are the key staff for your project? What is their role, and what are their qualifications?
      2. What is your project timeline?
      3. Where will your project occur?
      4. How will you promote your project? Are you trying any new publicity efforts to reach new audiences?
      5. Are any permits, permissions, or partnerships required for the project to succeed? If yes, what are they and have you received these permissions?
      6. What will success look like for this project and how will you evaluate that?
    4. Importance
      1. How will your project fill an identified community need?
      2. How will your project increase awareness of the arts in Madison?
      3. Will your project provide access to an underrepresented art form?
      4. Are other organizations relying on your project? if yes, did they provide a letter of support?
      5. How will this grant have an effective impact on the project?
  4. If your event generates hotel stays, prepare an estimated number of total stays. A portion of our funding comes from taxes generated by hotels, and we may be able to use those funds for your grant.
  5. Prepare optional demographic information. To distribute grant funding equitably, the application form asks for demographic information. Organizations should submit based on their Board membership. Individuals should self-report.
  6. Prepare the following attachments:
    1. Project Budget Form (save as A_budget_ApplicantName.pdf)
    2. Letters of Support that are relevant to the project or show proof of partnership (save as B_letters_ApplicantName.pdf)
    3. 3-5 Work Samples (save as C_worksample_Sample#_ApplicantName.jpg)
    4. List of Work Samples including number, title, year, size/duration, media (save as D_imagelist_ApplicantName.pdf)
    5. Organizations Only: proof of tax exemption for your organization or fiscal agent. Example: IRS Determination Letter or Certificate of Exempt Status. (save as E_Tax_ApplicantName.pdf).
    6. Organizations Only: List of current board members (save as F_Board_ApplicantName.pdf)
    7. Organizations Only: Check the WI Department of Financial Institutions portal to confirm your organization is registered with a Madison address. We may make an exception if you are in Madison and your fiscal agent is outside Madison, or if you represent a local chapter of a national organization
  7. Apply by 11:59 pm on March 1, 2025

Legacy Applicants: You only need to prepare a project statement (item 3) and project budget (item 6.a), and submit the application

For help or to request accommodations, explore grant tools or email


Last Updated: 02/25/2025