Application Process
- Email with “I intend to apply for an annual grant on behalf [Your Name or Organization Name].”
- Review the application. You cannot save the form, so draft your responses separately using these sample applications:
- Draft your project statement. This can be either a 250–500-word response for EACH of the following sections OR one 10-minute video that answers all sections:
- Artistic & Educational Value
- How will your project contribute to the quality of arts in Madison? For Individual Fellowship applicants, how will it support your artistic development?
- How will the grant contribute to you or your organization’s artistic goals or expand your capacity(engage more people or expand your program options)?
- How is your project innovative?
- Access
- What element of your project is free to the public? For Individual Fellowship applicants this could be an exhibition, workshop, performance, school or library presentation, street performance, etc.
- Who is your target audience?
- How will you engage your target audience?
- What partnerships or collaborations are you building to ensure your project reaches your target audience?
- How will you stretch yourself to make your project accessible to more diverse audiences? For instance, will you provide transportation?
- Feasibility
- Who are the key staff for your project? What is their role, and what are their qualifications?
- What is your project timeline?
- Where will your project occur?
- How will you promote your project? Are you trying any new publicity efforts to reach new audiences?
- Are any permits, permissions, or partnerships required for the project to succeed? If yes, what are they and have you received these permissions?
- What will success look like for this project and how will you evaluate that?
- Importance
- How will your project fill an identified community need?
- How will your project increase awareness of the arts in Madison?
- Will your project provide access to an underrepresented art form?
- Are other organizations relying on your project? if yes, did they provide a letter of support?
- How will this grant have an effective impact on the project?
- Artistic & Educational Value
- If your event generates hotel stays, prepare an estimated number of total stays. A portion of our funding comes from taxes generated by hotels, and we may be able to use those funds for your grant.
- Prepare optional demographic information. To distribute grant funding equitably, the application form asks for demographic information. Organizations should submit based on their Board membership. Individuals should self-report.
- Prepare the following attachments:
- Project Budget Form (save as A_budget_ApplicantName.pdf)
- Letters of Support that are relevant to the project or show proof of partnership (save as B_letters_ApplicantName.pdf)
- 3-5 Work Samples (save as C_worksample_Sample#_ApplicantName.jpg)
- List of Work Samples including number, title, year, size/duration, media (save as D_imagelist_ApplicantName.pdf)
- Organizations Only: proof of tax exemption for your organization or fiscal agent. Example: IRS Determination Letter or Certificate of Exempt Status. (save as E_Tax_ApplicantName.pdf).
- Organizations Only: List of current board members (save as F_Board_ApplicantName.pdf)
- Organizations Only: Check the WI Department of Financial Institutions portal to confirm your organization is registered with a Madison address. We may make an exception if you are in Madison and your fiscal agent is outside Madison, or if you represent a local chapter of a national organization
- Apply by 11:59 pm on March 1, 2025
Legacy Applicants: You only need to prepare a project statement (item 3) and project budget (item 6.a), and submit the application.
For help or to request accommodations, explore grant tools or email
Last Updated: 02/25/2025