Brayton Lot (Block 113)
The Brayton Lot, also known as Block 113, is a two-acre surface parking lot situated three blocks from the Capitol Square along East Washington Avenue in the First Settlement neighborhood. The future of this site has been addressed in multiple City plans over nearly 30 years. These plans have been consistent in their vision for the scale and massing of future buildings. Several policy and regulatory measures have been put in place to realize that future.
Now that the City's east-west Bus Rapid Transit line is complete the Brayton Lot, which had been used as a construction staging area, is available for redevelopment. A funding agreement with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), requires the City to redevelop the site in a transit-supportive manner.
The City is moving forward with the implementation of long-standing plans through redevelopment. It is anticipated that a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a development partner will be issued. Once a partner is selected and approved by the Common Council the proposed development will go through the normal City entitlement process. This will include review by City boards, commissions, committees, and Common Council as appropriate.
Site Facts
- Owner: City of Madison
- Size: 2 acres (87,120 sq. ft.)
- Street Frontages:
- East Washington Ave. & East Main St.: 264 feet (each frontage)
- South Butler St. & South Handcock St.: 330 feet (each frontage)
Existing Plans
The neighborhood, City, and larger community have been planning for the redevelopment of the Brayton Lot since the mid-1990s. Below is a list of these plans along with a link to the documents.
- First Settlement Neighborhood Master Plan (accepted 1995)
- Brayton Lot Framework (accepted 2001)
- Downtown Plan (adopted 2012)
- Comprehensive Plan (amended 2024)
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Project Contacts
Bill Fruhling, Planning Division
Rebecca Cnare, Planning Division
Dan Rolfs, Economic Development Division