Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan is a broad-based plan that creates a vision for a future Madison. It provides guidance for big-picture decisions about issues such as housing, jobs, and transportation. An extensive community engagement effort called Imagine Madison shaped the Plan. Engagement included over 15,000 interactions with community members.
The Generalized Future Land Use (GFLU) Map is a main component of the Comprehensive Plan. The GFLU Map includes a range of land use categories, such as residential, commercial, and industrial. It sets expectations for how we want to grow as a community over time.
The Comprehensive Plan’s recommendations are intended to:
- Create a collective vision for a future Madison.
- Establish priorities for public investment.
- Align the work of City Agencies around the issues that matter most to residents.
- Guide private development through the Generalized Future Land Use (GFLU) Map.
- Foster partnerships with other entities to address shared goals.
The GFLU Map makes recommendations for future land uses and development intensities, like building height. It guides the physical development of Madison. The future land use categories guide what types of zoning can be applied in different parts of the city. The GFLU Map is one of the most-used sections of the Comprehensive Plan because state law (Wis. Stats. Sec. 66.1001) says proposed development must be consistent with the Plan. For example, land shown for future “Medium Residential” land use could not be rezoned to allow for industrial uses. Instead, it could be rezoned to allow for a multifamily residential building. Learn more about the GFLU Map by reviewing the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. Also see this video on the difference between land use and zoning.
Comprehensive Plan PDFs and Other Resources
Reduced File Size PDFs: Comprehensive Plan (Parts 1 – 3)
- Part 1: Introduction, Growth Framework, Land Use & Transportation
- Part 2: Neighborhoods & Housing, Economy & Opportunity, Culture & Character, Green & Resilient, Effective Government, Health & Safety
- Part 3: Appendices
Other Comprehensive Plan Resources
- Interactive Generalized Future Land Use map
- Printable Generalized Future Land Use Map: Poster Size; Letter Size
- Public Engagement Process – How Madisonians Shaped the Plan
- Phase 1 - Public Feedback Summary
- Phase 2 - Public Feedback Summary
- Phase 3 - Public Feedback Summary on Strategies
- Phase 3 - Public Feedback Summary on Growth Prioritization
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Plan Amendment Notification
If you would like to receive notice of any proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment that may affect the allowable use of your property please email the Planning Division at or mail a written request to: City of Madison Planning Division, Attn: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Notification, P.O. Box 2985, Madison, WI 53701-2985
Requests for notification should include the following information: full name, whether you would prefer notification via email or USPS, and your email address or mailing address.
Comprehensive Plan Progress Update
2020 Comprehensive Plan Progress Update:
English, Español, Hmoob
2021 Comprehensive Plan Progress Update:
English, Español, Hmoob
2022 Comprehensive Plan Progress Update:
English, Español, Hmoob
2023 Comprehensive Plan Progress Update:
English, Español, Hmoob
2025 Comprehensive Plan Progress Update:
English (DRAFT)