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5105 N Sherman Avenue

5105 N Sherman Ave

Request/Application Type: Rezoning (A to PR), Conditional Use

Rezoning and Conditional use requests related to allow reconstruction and expansion of a golf driving range (outdoor recreation) adjacent to Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park-North Unit on proposed Lot 2, with existing place of worship on proposed Lot 1.


Legistar Files: 80830 77592

Meetings & Review

Plan Commission: 04/08/2024
Common Council: 04/16/2024

Background Information

Date Submitted: 05/05/2023
Date Circulated: 05/05/2023
Comments Due: 06/04/2024
Property Owners: Cherokee Park Inc
Project Contact: Scott Anderson, TPC Wisconsin
Alderperson: Charles Myadze, District 18,

Planning Contact

Jacob Moskowitz
(608) 266-4560