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232 N Park St, 209 Bernard Ct & 911-923 Clymer Pl

911 Clymer Pl

Request/Application Type: Rezoning (TR-U2 to Amendment to CI Master Plan), Demolition Permit

Demolish three residences and amend master plan to allow construction of a six-story, 149,200 sq. ft. academic building (Levy Hall) on UW-Madison campus. Requests included 2 demo permits (Legistar Files 78199 & 79460), an amendment to the Campus-Institutional District Master Plan for the UW-Madison Campus (Legistar File 78874), and 2 rezonings (Legistar Files 78912 & 78913).


Legistar Files: 78199 78913

Meetings & Review

Plan Commission: 08/28/2023
Common Council: 09/05/2023

Background Information

Date Submitted: 06/05/2023
Date Circulated: 07/20/2023
Comments Due: 12/13/2023
Property Owners: Uw-space Mngmt Office
Project Contact: Scott Ramlow, UW Madison
Alderperson: Muralidharan Govindarajan, District 8,

Planning Contact

Jenny Kirchgatter
(608) 266-4429