2927 E Washington Ave
2927 E Washington AveRequest/Application Type: Conditional Use
Approve an outdoor eating area for a restaurant-tavern (Public Parking Bar) in a mixed-use building. ------ STATUS: REFERRED to a future PC mtg (no specific date) by the PC on 9/9/2024 at the request of the applicant.
Legistar Files: 86734Meetings & Review
Plan Commission: 04/28/2025Background Information
Date Submitted: 03/21/2025Date Circulated: 03/21/2025
Comments Due: 04/18/2025
Property Owners: M&n Properties Llc
Project Contact: Amy Thomas, Minocqua Brewing Company
Alderperson: Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford, District 15, district15@cityofmadison.com