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Grants & Opportunities

The Madison Arts Commission (MAC) provides the following opportunities:

Explore opportunities below and email with questions on how MAC might be able to support your arts initiative.

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Annual Grant Program

Grant Applications for 2024 closed March 1. Applicants will be notified in May.

All annual grant programs (Project, Legacy, and Individual Fellowships) use the same guidelines, application, and final report:

Annual Grant Program Guidelines

Annual Grant Program Application

Annual Gran Final Report


Grant Writing Assistance
Sample applications to prepare materials (when you are ready, apply at the link above):

To schedule a fifteen minute, one-on-one meeting for assistance, email

Successful applicants propose projects that do one or more of the following:
1. Engage Madison residents in arts and cultural activities
2. Expand an individual artists body of work or reach in the community
3. Provide an opportunity for the community to participate in the creative process
4. Support co-curricular and extra- curricular arts-based activities in PK-12th grade
5. Reach diverse, under-served students in PK-12th grade
6. Provide arts and culture programs that celebrate the identity of a specific ethnicity, organization, neighborhood, or community

Project Grants: $1,000 - $5,000
Project Grants support performances, exhibitions, installations, educational opportunities, workshops, and other projects that enrich the lives of Madison’s residents.
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations may apply directly. Individuals, teams, or neighborhood groups must apply through a nonprofit fiscal receiver. A significant component of the project must be free and accessible to the public. Arts education applicants must apply for projects that are free to the public, or funds must be used for scholarships for free participation.
Legacy Grants: $1,500

Legacy Grants honor organizations that have received MAC annual grant funding in three of the last six years. Legacy grants are not guaranteed. MAC has observed that many projects have proven to be successful and are now an integral part of Madison’s cultural landscape. We appreciate your organization’s long-term commitment to providing enriching arts experiences. MAC recognizes a modest grant helps you provide affordable access through free or reduced-cost programs.

Individual Artist Fellowships: $1,000 - $2,000
Individual Artist Fellowships celebrate the contributions of professional artists of all disciplines. These awards enable artists to create new work, complete work in progress, or pursue activities which contribute to their artistic/professional growth. Only professional artists who live in Madison and produce original work (i.e., composers, choreographers, authors, visual artists) are eligible. Proposals that include an intentional public presence (i.e. workshop, performance, exhibition, presentation) will receive preference.

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Art in Public Places (AIPP)

AIPP funds permanent public art projects that are designed to last 10 or more years and cost $15,000 or more (including MAC funds). MAC leverages community funding and attention for major public art projects that have artistic merit and will make a positive, long-term impact on Madison.

Eligible applicants include recognized Madison neighborhood associations, organizations with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code (organized in the City of Madison), or City of Madison agencies or their associated non-profit foundation or friends group. Individual artists or ad hoc groups of artists interested in applying must partner with a neighborhood association, nonprofit organization, or City agency.

AIPP Grant Summary
Sample Contract (a similar but custom contract will be developed for each AIPP project)

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BLINK Temporary Public Art Commissions

BLINK commissions support experimental, temporary public works of art that sprout up throughout the community and vanish, leaving residents and visitors eager to see what is next. Madison neighborhoods and urban areas are open canvases. 

Proposals for BLINK commissions are accepted at any time.  At the following MAC meeting, commissioners review proposals and decide if they want to purchase the artwork for the City's BLINK program. Applications submitted February - April will be reviewed in May.

Artists should propose ideas for a temporary public art project that is modest in cost and is feasible, yet unique, bold and ambitious. Some notable temporary opportunities may arise outside of the City of Madison where participation would benefit the Madison artist as well as the City of Madison community. In that case, MAC will periodically consider proposals outside of its geographic bounds.  "Opportunity" BLINK grants will be considered on a case by case basis, and will likely be rarely distributed.

BLINK Guidelines
BLINK Application

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Calls for Artists

The Madison Arts Commission issues calls for artists for Percent for Art projects, municipal exhibitions, and other opportunities. Staff will poste all open calls below when available. We also invite you to register for the Madison Arts Updates email list here to stay up to date on calls.

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Artists At Work Creative Workforce Development Grant

In 2023, MAC awarded $450,000 to local arts organizations through aNEA Logo special grant program called “Artists at Work.” MAC designed this grant opportunity to encourage non-profit organizations to generate, reinstate, and create arts industry jobs. Artists at Work was made possible by an American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to help the arts and cultural sector recover from the pandemic. Grants of $10,000, $15,000, and $25,000 were awarded to the following organizations and positions:

  • Arts & Literature Laboratory Inc - Public Programs Coordinator
  • Bayview Foundation Inc - Placemaking and Community Arts Specialist
  • UW Madison [UW Community Arts Collaboratory Teaching Artist] - Arts Collab Teaching Artist
  • Center for Black Excellence and Culture Inc - Director of Visual and Performing Arts
  • Dane Arts Mural Arts Inc - Executive Director
  • GEEX Inc - Social Media Intern
  • IP Ministries Inc - Arts Administration Assistant
  • Kanopy Dance Theatre Inc - Company Dancer and Outreach Teacher
  • LunART Inc - Operations Manager
  • Madison Ballet Inc - Artistic Director
  • Madison Children's Museum Inc - Summer Outreach Coordinator
  • Madison Circus Space Inc - Circus Arts Programs Coordinator
  • Madison College, School of Business and Applied Arts - Exhibition Coordinator
  • Madison Contemporary Dance Inc - Artistic Director
  • Madison Public Library Foundation Inc - Wisconsin Book Festival Communications Creative
  • Madison Youth Choirs Inc - Director of Education & Community Programs
  • Make Music Madison Inc - Musician-in-Residence
  • Overture Center Foundation Inc - Lullaby Project Lead Teaching Artist & Community Facilitator
  • Preschool of the Arts Inc - Art Specialist
  • Synergy Ventures Foundation Inc - Artist at Synergy
  • Urban Community Arts Network Ltd - Artistic Innovation Coordinator
  • Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Arts & Letters Inc - Exhibitions Coordinator
Last Updated: 05/28/2024


Madison Arts Commission
Madison Municipal Building
Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development
215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Suite 017
P.O. Box 2985
Madison, WI 53701-2985

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