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Adopted Plan

Northeast Area PlanThe Northeast Area Plan was adopted on September 10, 2024.  Plan implementation by lead agencies and partners will be subject to Common Council budgeting and citywide project prioritization over the coming years.

The Northeast Area is home to nearly 15,000 residents in a variety of housing types and styles and hosts approximately 20,000 jobs. The Northeast Area Plan provides direction for City improvements to infrastructure like streets, paths, and parks. It also guides future development through future land use mapping. The Plan was developed under the City’s Planning Framework, which helps guide change throughout the city by establishing 12 planning areas.

A Northeast Area Plan update is anticipated every 10 years.  If you would like to receive future Northeast Area Plan-related information please sign up for the email list on this page.

Northeast Area Plan  - Framework


Key Background Materials & Links

The Northeast Area Plan was developed through extensive public engagement—the project team hosted numerous meetings, and the plan visited various boards, commissions, and committees several times throughout the planning process. The Public Feedback Summary contains most themes in comments heard throughout the Northeast Area Plan process.

Northeast Area

Last Updated: 01/31/2025

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Email Project Managers

Dan McAuliffe:  608-261-9676

Angela Puerta: 608-267-8649