Plan Commission
The Plan Commission's responsibilities include making recommendations to the Common Council on the City's plans.
This includes:
- The Comprehensive Plan
- Area plans
- Neighborhood development plans
- Neighborhood, corridor, and special area plans.
The Plan Commission's also makes recommendations to the Common Council on:
- Changes to the Zoning Map (rezonings) and other Zoning Code regulations
- The subdivision of land within City limits or within three miles of City limits.
- The annexation of land to the City
- The sale or lease of City-owned land
The Plan Commission has final approval authority over:
- Conditional use permits
- The demolition of any principal building in the City.
The Plan Commission meeting dates are available on Legistar.
Last Updated: 02/26/2025
Plan Commission Resources
- Video Recordings of Past Meetings
- Development Services Center - Site with information related to the City's Development Review process including: Conditional Uses, Demolition Permits, Rezonings, Subdivisions, Annexation of Land, Zoning Variances, Landmarks & Construction in Historic Districts, and Urban Design Approvals.
- Development Review Standards - The approval standards that the Plan Commission uses to review land use requests.
- Plan Commission Policies and Procedures Manual
- Overview of Commission and Common Council Involvement in Development Decisions - A guide to who makes development decisions.
- The Legislative Information Center (Legistar) - The City's public record. You can find legislation, agendas or meeting minutes, and files related to development projects, etc.
- Land Use Application - For Conditional Use, Demolition Permit, and Rezoning requests
- Land Use Application Checklist & Supplemental Submittal Requirements
- Subdivision Application - For Preliminary & Final Subdivision Plats and Land Divisions/Certified Survey Maps (CSMs)
Submittal and Meeting Schedules
- Plan Commission & Urban Design Commission - For Land Use, Subdivision, and Urban Design Commission Applications
- Landmarks Commission