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Plans, Studies, & Reports

Creativity and innovation have long been major drivers of Madison's unique character and its economic base. They are woven into our sense of place. It is important to plan the ways in which the City supports neighborhoods. It is just as important to plan the ways in which the City supports creativity and innovation. The following documents guide the work of the Madison Arts Commission.

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Arts & Economic Prosperity in Dane County

Arts & Economic Prosperity is a periodic economic impact study of the nation’s nonprofit arts and culture industry. The study shows that when we support the arts, we not only enhance our quality of life, but we also invest in Dane County's economic well-being. The resulting reports show the value that the nonprofit arts and culture industries have in Dane County.

In October 2023 Dane Arts released the findings of a comprehensive arts and economic impact study (AEP VI). The report was created in partnership with Americans for the Arts and Wisconsin Arts Board. The report shows that nearly $350m goes right back into the local economy through arts and culture.

2023 AEP VI one page summary
2023 AEP VI full report

2015 AEP V one page summary
2015 AEP V full report 

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Greater Madison Music City (GMMC) Music Recovery Framework Economic Impact Analysis & Mapping Report

On August 2, 2021 the GMMC team released the Economic Impact Analysis & Mapping Report. This report was produced by the consultant team Sound Diplomacy as part of the Music Recovery Framework. Although our music ecosystem is strong, Sound Diplomacy helped us break down what these numbers mean in terms of equity.

The report showed that in 2018 the music ecosystem in Dane County generated and supported a total of 5,791 jobs. This is equal to 1.86% of the employment in the county. In total, the economic output generated by the music ecosystem was $636 million.

2021 GMMC Economic Impact Analysis & Mapping Report

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Madison Cultural Plan

The 2013 Madison Cultural Plan explores the arts, history, and the sciences. It focuses on the work of individual artists, creative workers, and institutions in the commercial and non-profit sectors. The plan intentionally defines culture broadly. It includes individuals and organizations who are students, amateurs, and professionals. They work in varied fields. These fields include

  • artisan food production
  • digital production
  • architecture
  • history and heritage
  • traditional, experimental; and fine arts
  • scientific research
  • software and hardware development
  • advertising
  • publishing
  • gardening
  • entertainment
  • environmental programming, and more.

If creative content drives the work, it was included in this plan.

Madison Cultural Plan Executive Summary
Madison Cultural Plan

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Past Projects, Programs, & Partnerships Reports

Projects, Programs, & Partnerships 2020-2022
Projects, Programs, & Partnerships 2018-2019
Projects, Programs, & Partnerships 2016-2017
Projects, Programs, & Partnerships 2014-2015

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Performing Arts Study

In 2013 the City undertook a study of the local performing arts environment. The study included a review of the performing arts community, facilities, audiences and funding scenarios. Webb Management Services and WolfBrown were the consulting team hired to conduct the study. They spent months working with a steering committee to interview and survey constituents. This included artist, arts managers, political and business leaders, educators and other community members. Their research helped us understand the state of the performing arts scene at that time. It also helped to suggest the facilities, infrastructure and partnerships required to attract, engage and serve Madison and regional residents.

Webb Performing Arts Report
Webb Findings Report
Consumer Survey Dashboard

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Outdoor Music Guide

The Guide was created to help musicians and music organizers. The purpose is to help them understand the different types of permits needed to organize, perform and/or enjoy live music outdoors.

For general questions about this guide, please contact City of Madison Planning Division, Angela Puerta at

Outdoor Music Guide

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Task Force on Equity in Music & Entertainment (TFEME) Report

The purpose of the TFEME was to make recommendations to the Mayor and the Common Council. The recommendations should improve on Madison’s reputation as a music and entertainment hub that offers a welcoming environment for all residents and visitors

The TFEME report was accepted by the Common Council in 2019. It included 31 recommendations that aim to increase access to Hip Hop and all genres of music, build our music infrastructure, and support artists. Based on these recommendations, an Economic Impact Analysis was completed in 2021. The consultant firm Sound Diplomacy is working on an action plan to build an inclusive music ecosystem. The City Department of Civil Rights is developing an anti-bias, bi-cultural, and cross-cultural training for all music venues. The training is intended to improve their services and hiring practices.

Last Updated: 01/28/2025


Madison Arts Commission
Madison Municipal Building
Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development
215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Suite 017
P.O. Box 2985
Madison, WI 53701-2985

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