Resources for the Madison Community Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Public Art
Explore Madison's Public Art Collection
Austen Brantley Residency & Public Sculpture Project
The Madison Arts Commission (MAC) partnered with Madison College to bring Detroit-based figurative sculptor Austen Brantley to Madison in June, 2023 and have asked him to develop a design for a public art project for the community.
Austen Brantley is a self-taught figurative sculptor who is recognized for his work that interweaves the themes of heritage, identity, and realistic portrayals of Black lives. Learn more about Austen Brantley & see his work here.
MAC would like your feedback on the three proposed designs to guide their decision on the final work.
Complete this survey before 1:00 pm on May 6, 2024.
Art in Public Places (AIPP)
Learn more about AIPP by exploring Grants & Opportunities.
BLINK Temporary Public Art Commissions
Learn more about BLINK by exploring Grants & Opportunities.
Percent for Arts Program
Utility Box Program
The Madison Arts Commission intends for the Utility Box Program to promote local artists by giving them exposure in the public realm. In 2016 MAC and the Downtown Coordinating Committee authorized a pilot to wrap four City owned utility boxes with artwork. Due to the positive public reaction, MAC continued the program. Currently, there are more than 100 wrapped boxes throughout the city.
The Utility boxes chosen for this program require between approximately 42-62 square feet of coverage depending upon box size and configuration. 42 sqft boxes are approximately 36” W x18” D x 48” H. 62 sqft boxes are approximately 44” W x 26” D x 54” H. Sketch-up files of the 42 sqft box (pictured here and here) are available to artists if they contact
Neighborhood demand for this program currently exceeds available resources. To help grow this popular program citywide, Friends of Madison Arts Commission has started a fundraising campaign. Wrapping of 14 more utility boxes has been funded so far.
Explore the Utility Box Collection or learn more about the program.
Selections from the Public Art Program
Madison Arts Commission
Madison Municipal Building
Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development
215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Suite 017
P.O. Box 2985
Madison, WI 53701-2985