Review & Notification Process
Edit Your Application: To edit your application after it has been submitted, email changes to You cannot make changes after the due date (11:59 PM, March 1, 2025).
Watch or Register to Speak at the Review: Commissioners review applications at a series of 3-5 virtual meetings listed here. We will notify you of the date and time when your application will be reviewed. You can register to watch the meeting or register to speak for 3-minutes during the public comment period.
Scoring Process: Commissioners will score each application based on a 100 pt scale.
Artistic & Educational Value
(0-30 pts)
(0-30 pts)
(0-20 pts)
(0-20 pts)
High scores will be given to projects that:
High scores will be given to projects that have:
High scores will be given to projects that have:
High scores will be given to projects that:
Additionally, MAC awards 5 bonus points to projects that provide transportation from or occur within a community served by a Neighborhood Resource Team.
Review Process: The Madison Arts Commission will recommend which grants should be funded to the Madison Common Council based on final scores. The Madison Common Council will then vote to approve or reject their recommendation at one of their April meetings.
Notification: We will email applicants after the Common Council vote to let you know if you will receive a grant and share your scores and comments.
Grant Proposal Revision Report: Some grants may be awarded for less than requested due to limited resources. If your grant is for less than requested, you will need to submit a Grant Proposal Revision Report.
Grant Recipient Requirements: If you are awarded a grant, please read the grant recipient requirements.
Contract: If you are awarded a grant, Staff will send you a contract in late April/Early May. The signed contract is due back to staff within 30 days OR 5 business days before the project starts, whichever is sooner. You must also send a completed W9, a certificate of insurance, and an affirmative action report or waiver with the contract. If you are using a Fiscal Agent, the contract and all accompanying documents, must come from them.
Credit: All promotional materials must include logos from and state that the project received support from the Madison Arts Commission including funds from the Wisconsin Arts Board. Logos are available here: Wisconsin Arts Board | Madison Arts Commission
Final Report: Grant recipients must submit a final report within 30 days of completing the project. The form asks for a financial accounting, 2-3 testimonials from participants, and 2-3 images. The City may use the submitted images for promotional or other purposes.
Payment: We will not issue payment until you have submitted the signed contract, W9, certificate of insurance, affirmative action report/waiver, and the final report.