Southwest Area Plan
Madison Madness!!!
It's that time of year again and the City of Madison is getting into the spirit with a new way for residents to share their perspectives. The “Madison Madness” bracket takes aspects of future planning – like housing, neighborhood amenities, transportation, and recreation – and puts them into a bracket format, allowing residents to think about their priorities and share them with the City in a fun and unique way.
Each “team” in the bracket represents a component of what the future of the city could be. The bracket’s four “regions” represent a different area of focus: Neighborhood Destinations, Places to Live, Streets and Getting Around, and Open Spaces and Recreation. Each “region” is broken down into eight different aspects of those categories. There are 32 items in the bracket overall.
The survey will take you through each “matchup” individually. In each matchup, you’ll choose what the higher priority is for you. The survey will keep presenting you with matchups as you work your way through the bracket until you have your “champion” -- the biggest priority you’d like to see addressed.
Fill out your bracket and tell us your perspectives!
El Municipio de la Ciudad de Madison está planeando el futuro de la ciudad y actualmente se centra en las áreas Sureste y Suroeste. Para comprender mejor sus opiniones y preferencias sobre cómo Madison podría crecer y cambiar, hemos creado un juego tipo torneo. Cada equipo representa parte de una posible visión de futuro para la ciudad. Díganos qué es más importante para usted seleccionando su equipo preferido en cada enfrentamiento. Los equipos que no avancen no quedan excluidos, pero coronar a su campeón nos ayuda a comprender las prioridades de la comunidad. Cada selección de equipo tiene un enfoque diferente: Destinos del Vecindario, Lugares para Vivir, Calles y Transporte, y Espacios Abiertos y Recreación.
Complete su formulario en línea y obtenga más información sobre los Planes de Área del Sureste y Suroeste. ¡Asegúrese de incluir su correo electrónico para recibir actualizaciones del proyecto!
Southwest Area Community Survey
Commenting Map
The Southwest Area Plan Process
Area Plans guide changes that occur over time to the physical aspects of our community, such as land use, housing, transit, streets, bike paths, and other community facilities. They are steered by overarching City policies and feedback from stakeholders.
The Southwest Area is approximately 5,400 acres (8.4 square miles) and is generally bounded by the West Beltline Highway to the north, the City of Fitchburg to the east, and S. High Point Road to the west. See map below. Additional background maps can be found under the Project Resources section.
The City invites residents, community organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders to share feedback about the future of their neighborhoods. Keep up to date on events and ways to participate by subscribing to the email list.
About the Planning Framework
The City has established a Planning Framework to simplify the City’s sub-area planning and make it more equitable. Over the next decade, 12 Area Plans will be developed to cover the entire city and future growth areas. These plans will address a consistent set of topics and include higher level recommendations. After the 12 Area Plans are established, they will be updated each decade to reflect an ever-changing city.
Subscribe to Email List
Virtual Meeting - Dec. 3, 2024 (6 p.m.): Presentation, Video
Virtual Meeting - Dec. 3, 2024 (noon): Presentation, Video
Open House - Nov. 19, 2024: Boards, Handouts, Presentation - English, Español, Hmoob, Chinese
Project Resources
Land Use & Transportation
Neighborhoods & Housing
Economy & Opportunity
Culture & Character
Green & Resilient
Effective Government
Health & Safety
Community Action Strategy
Background Information/Handouts
Housing Snapshot - English
Panorama de Vivienda - Español
Duab Tsev Hauv Nroog - Hmoob
Housing Snapshot - Chinese
Fact Sheet - English
Hoja Informativa del Proyecto - Español
Cov Hauj Lwm Hauv Lub Khoos Kas - Hmoob
Fact Sheet - Chinese
Population Projections (Citywide)
What's the difference between Land Use Planning and Zoning?
Nuestro equipo de planeación participó en Radio La Movida, compartiendo la importancia de involucrarse en los planes Sureste y Suroeste del Municipio de la Ciudad de Madison. Si quieres saber más, mira la entrevista a partir del minuto 26.
Project Contacts
Kirstie Laatsch, City of Madison Planning Division
Urvashi Martin, City of Madison Planning Division
Phone: 608-266-4635