Resources for the Madison Community Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
State Street 2024
City of Madison staff are studying potential modifications to enhance the State Street Pedestrian Mall in the 400-600 blocks (Gorham to Hawthorne Court). In September 2023, the Common Council adopted a resolution to pursue these experimental changes for the summer of 2024.
Opening and Preparation
The Pedestrian Mall opened the week of May 6th but some changes began before that date. Street furniture (benches and planters) were delivered the week of April 22nd. Benches and planters were placed in the roadway at the curb, generally at the locations shown during the business outreach in March (also shown on back).
Street painting was scheduled to take place on several dates. These include April 18th from 5-7pm (rained out) and April 21st from 9 am to 4 pm. April 21st is a larger community event where the public has been invited to paint stencils on the street.
Street Closures
As part of the pedestrian mall experiment, there will be periods where the 400-600 blocks of State Street is closed to virtually all non-emergency traffic, including delivery vehicles. After outreach and conversations with businesses in March, those blocks will be closed after 3:00 pm on weekdays and after 10:00 am on weekends. The streets will re-open to traffic daily at 4:00 am to facilitate deliveries. These hours will be displayed on signage and graphics throughout the 400-600 blocks and your assistance is appreciated in maintaining these hours as a vehicle-free time. Cross streets will remain open at all times and loading zones at the street ends can be used to facilitate deliveries during times of street closures. The section of State Street between Hawthorne Court and Lake Street is not included in the pedestrian mall area and will remain open at all times. City of Madison has reached out to USPS, UPS and FedEx to make them aware of these restrictions.
Initial Concept
On December 4, 2023, the City held a public listening session to present and take feedback on the initial design concept and begin a conversation about when the street would be close to vehicles.
Meeting presentation
Meeting video
Survey Results
March 1 Update - art project, furniture selection and activity periods
March 15 Update for Downtown Coordinating Committee
Dan McAuliffe