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West Area Plan

October 4, 2024 Update: Final West Area Plan Document Available
The final West Area Plan document, which integrates edits approved by the Plan Commission and Common Council is available.  Thank you to everyone who participated throughout the process!

September 11, 2024 Update: West Area Plan adopted by the Common Council
The City of Madison Common Council adopted the West Area Plan on September 10th.  The adopted version includes edits recommended by the Transportation Commission, Landmarks Commission, Urban Design Commission, and Plan Commission (see the 9/3/24 update below). In the coming weeks, staff will revise the document to reflect these edits and post a final version.  Along with adopting the plan, the adopting resolution archived the previously adopted plans in the same area as the West Area Plan.  This means they will no longer guide City actions, including the review of development proposals.  Archived plans are:

  • Odana Area Plan
  • University Hill Farms Neighborhood Plan
  • Hoyt Park Area Neighborhood Plan*
  • Midvale Heights/Westmorland Joint Neighborhood Plan*
  • Southwest Neighborhood Plan*
  • Spring Harbor Neighborhood Plan

(*only the portion of the plan underlying the West Area is considered archived)

September 3, 2024 Update: 
The West Area Plan is visiting the boards, committees, and commissions listed below for their review and comment.  Each will make a recommendation to the Plan Commission, which will make a final recommendation to Common Council.

July 22, 2024 Update: 
As discussed in the ordinance introduced at the July 16th Common Council meeting, the City's Comprehensive Plan is anticipated to be amended to reflect the Generalized Future Land Use (GFLU) Map and the Shared-Use Path & Bicycle Network Map that are included in the West and Northeast Area Plans. Other maps and text in the Comprehensive Plan, such as maps of area plans and text summarizing adopted area plans, would also be edited to reflect the West and Northeast Area Plans.  A summary of Comprehensive Plan edits is available here.  

July 10, 2024 Update: West Area Plan to begin City’s Review Process
The West Area Plan is about to begin the City’s formal review and approval process.  The final draft is now available.  The Plan will be introduced at the Common Council meeting on July 16th.  Introduction is when the Common Council determines the Boards, Commissions, and Committees that will review the draft Plan.  However, the Plan won’t be discussed or acted on at this meeting.

The anticipated review schedule is below, however it is subject to change.  If changes occur, a revised review schedule will be sent to the email list.  There is an opportunity to comment on the draft at each of these meetings.  Agendas and instructions on how to participate can be found on the meeting information pages linked below.  Agendas are typically posted one week in advance.

The West Area Plan draft is accompanied by both an adopting resolution and an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan. The resolution includes archiving previously adopted underlying plans. The Comprehensive Plan amendment (ordinance) is limited to key maps, such as the Generalized Future Land Use and Bicycle Facilities map, among others.

Thanks to everyone who have participated in this planning process!

July 2, 2024 Update: Questions from June 6th Meeting
Staff was not able to answer all questions during the public meeting of June 6th.  Answers to submitted questions that staff was unable to get to during the meeting are now available here.  

West Area Plan Boundary Map

Planning Framework

The West Area and Northeast Area Plans will be the first created under the City’s new Planning Framework, which was adopted by the Common Council on August 2, 2022. With the new framework approach, the Planning Division will create 12 Area Plans over the next 8 to 10 years that will cover the entire City. With a timeline for covering the City and a consistent set of topics to be addressed, this approach will also ensure that people who have traditionally been underrepresented in planning processes will receive services, leading to greater equity in planning across the City.

Last Updated: 11/21/2024

Subscribe to Email List

Subscribe to the West Area Plan email list:

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Past Meetings:
Common Council - Sept. 10, 2024: Video
Plan Cmsn - August 26, 2024: Video, Memo, Slides
BPC - Aug. 14, 2024: Video, Materials
Urban Design Cmsn - Aug. 14, 2024: Video, Materials
Landmarks Cmsn - Aug. 5, 2024: Video, Materials
Transportation Cmsn - July 31, 2024: Video, Memo, Slides
Economic Development Cmte - July 17, 2024: VideoSlides
Open House/Public Meeting (transportation) - June 6, 2024: Slides
Open House/Public Meeting (land use, zoning) - June 3, 2024: Slides
Public Meeting (transportation) - May 30, 2024: Video; Slides
Public Meeting (land use, zoning)- May 28, 2024: Video; Slides
Open House - May 20, 2024 
Public Meeting (zoning) - March 18, 2024: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - March 12, 2024: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - March 5, 2024: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - March 4, 2024: Video; Slides
TR-R Zoning Mtg - Jan. 31, 2024: Video; Slides
Urban Design Cmsn - Jan. 24, 2024: Video, Materials
BPC - Dec. 13, 2023: Video, Materials
Transportation Cmsn - Dec. 13, 2023: VideoMaterials
Plan Cmsn - Dec. 11, 2023: VideoMaterials
Plan Cmsn - Dec. 7, 2023: Video; Materials
Landmarks Cmsn - Dec. 4, 2023: Video; Materials
Open House - Aug. 2, 2023: Boards
Public Meeting - July 26, 2023: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - July 18, 2023: Video; Slides
BPC - May 17, 2023: Video; Slides
Open House - May 10, 2023: Slides
Plan Cmsn - May 8, 2023: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - March 9, 2023: Video; Slides
Discussion Groups Summary
Public Meeting - Feb. 13, 2023: Video; Slides
Public Meeting - Feb. 6, 2023: Video; Slides
Zoom Poll Summary 
Discussion Groups Summary

Project Materials

West Area Plan FAQ
Land Use vs. Zoning Overview
Land Use vs. Zoning FAQ 
Underlying Plans Review
Planning Framework Background
Background Maps (20 mb PDF)
Feedback Summary 1 (through mid-July 2023)
Feedback Summary 2 (mid-July-August 2023)
Feedback Summary 3 (August 2023-April 19, 2024)
Feedback Summary 4 (mid-April 2024-June 10, 2024)
Feedback Summary 5 (June 10, 2024-July 16, 2024; also includes 5/20/24 open house comments written on posters)