Resources for the Madison Community
Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.
Kev Pab Rau Sab Txhais Lus
Lub Nroog Madison kev pab rau sab txhais lus muaj kev pab rau cov neeg uas tsis paub lus Askiv. Peb muaj kev rau siab txog qhov tshim kho kom txhua tus tau txais kev pab. Cov pej xeem muaj cai thov kev pab, kev txhais lus, thiab kev pes lus kom lawv thiaj li muaj peev xwm koom tau thiab muaj feem txuas nrog lub nroog cov kev pab cuam, cov hauj lwm, thiab kev ua.
Lub Nroog cov kev npaj tseg txog Kev Pab Rau Sab Txhais Lus qhia rau cov neeg ua hauj lwm hauv lub Nroog Madison, cov coj, nom tswv, thiab cov lag luam uas muaj ntaub ntawv nrog lub Nroog txog txoj cai, cov kev coj ua kom muaj txiaj ntsig rau kev tau txais kev pab cuam Hauv Nroog.
Peb Muaj Cov Kev Pab Xws Li Ram No
Lub koos haum pab rau zej zog
Txhais lus ntaub ntawv txog koos haum kev pab cuam, thiab lwm yam uas muaj los ntawm lub Nroog Madison
Pes lus hauv xov tooj thiab viv dis aus
Tiv tauj thov kev pab
Muab sij hawm li 12 hnub tsis suav ob hnub so
Yog yam kev pab txhais lus uas koj xav tau ntawm nyuaj, pub sij hawm kom ntau li ntau tau.
Yog koj xav tau qhov kev pab no ceev thov qhia peb paub sai li sai tau.
Cov neeg ua hauj lwm rau sab txhais lus hauv DCR kev ruaj ntseg mam teb koj nyob rau ntawm ob hnub tom ntej.