Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Part of the MetroForward investment in transit intending to speed up workforce transportation, reduce congestion, and build the transportation backbone of a vibrant regional economy.
Complete Green Streets
This approach provides a consistent process for planning, designing, building, and operating streets in a way that better reflects our community values and increases safety and equity.
Let's Talk Streets
The public outreach side of Vision Zero that helps guide the City in making decisions about streets in the future: how they are designed, who they serve, how they are used, and how to make them safer. The goal is to include public input into future decisions so they are rooted in shared community values.
Metro Forward>>
A four-tiered approach to creating a high-quality regional transit system that has beneficial effects for all community residents.
Passenger Rail Station
A study that will identify a locally recommended passenger rail station location for a potential future extension of Amtrak’s Hiawatha Service.
Transportation Demand Management
Shifting travel to sustainable transportation options; such as transit, rideshare, biking, and walking. TDM strategies help us use a fixed amount of roadway capacity efficiently, and are a key factor in reducing emissions associated with Climate change.
Vision Zero
A data driven strategy intended to eliminate traffic deaths and severe injuries on all roadways, bikeways and sidewalks. The City of Madison Vision Zero initiative strives to improve safety for everyone moving about the city, whether walking, biking, driving and riding transit; and to improve the identified high injury locations, all in an effort to prevent fatal crashes and severe injuries.
20 is Plenty
A program developed under the Vision Zero Initiative, 20 is Plenty is a program centered on the idea that a speed limit of 20 mph is appropriate for local, residential streets. The purpose of the program is to increase the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles on local streets.

Metro has launched a new fare system that makes riding the bus faster, easier, and more convenient.
Features include:
- Online accounts with reloadable smartcards
- Pay as you go fare capping discounts
- Half price fares for youth, seniors, those with disabilities and low income
- Ticket vending machines at BRT stations
- Board and tap at any bus door when boarding at a BRT station