1. Resources for the Madison Community

    Madison stands with the families of Abundant Life community. This page is dedicated to connecting victims and the broader community to resources and accurate information about the tragic events that happened on December 16.

How It Works


All current and retired City of Madison employees, family members of employees that reside in the employees household, and significant others of employees may use the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for any work, personal, or family concerns. Those eligible may call 266-6561 to schedule an appointment with EAP. All EAP contacts and referrals are voluntary and confidential.

EAP is available at no cost to assist City employees and their eligible family/significant others. EAP sometimes refers users to other additional resources outside the City EAP.  EAP is intended to be short term counseling   services, if needed we are happy to assist you in locating long term services that will work with your health insurance. There is no charge to see EAP/CISM staff or to utilize FEI's services.

The City of Madison has both external and internal EAP Staff which means more coverage and resources for you. FEI Workforce Resilience is an external provider that offers services to those who prefer assistance outside the City. FEI provides the same services as internal EAP/CISM Staff at no charge and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

printable flyer on EAP/CISM Services is also available.


Information shared with representatives of the Employee Assistance Program is confidential with limited exceptions. Contacts with the EAP are held in confidence within the guidelines established for the Program. Ask the person you see to review these guidelines with you. Despite these assurances, if you remain uncertain about the confidentiality of the Program, you may withhold your name and/or other identifying information when you call. What's important is that you get the help you're seeking.

See APM 2-12 or speak to an EAP representative for more details.


You may call 266-6561 to schedule an appointment to see EAP/CISM staff. If you want to meet with EAP staff during regular work hours, you are allowed a reasonable amount of time to do so.

Sometimes EAP will refer to other resources (e.g., health care provider, other agencies in the community). EAP may be able to get you connected with the resource faster than you would on your own. Contacts with other resources would be done on approved leave in accordance with your department's policies and procedures.

You can make an appointment now. ​Early identification and attention to problems can often prevent them from getting worse and avoid costly, burdensome consequences later on.
